Bias: Prince Kim JaeJoong

Hi readers, here is one of my ultimate biases, Kim Jaejoong. This post is written by a fangirl so of course it will be a bit biased.

I first saw him in mirotic together with DBSK (if you have no ide who DBSK is check out  my previous post DBSk,gods of kpop). It was something about him, he was so charismatic and more handsome than I tought a man could be.  I am really into Manhwa/manga and he looked like the ultimate bishounen.(Bishonen=beautiful boy).

He reminded me of Oh Haegi from Snow drop, my first ever manhwa.

I was new then and I didn´t know that DBSK had  split into two groups, so I was very confused, was he in DBSK or not. I later learned that he was in a new group called JYJ.

He became my bias when I watched this

The first time I heard his angelic voice was when I clicked on some random videos on YouTube. His voice is so healing and comforting, his voice is what I imagine angels have. I really can´t belive he was sick when he sang this.

He will also release his first solo album, January 16. The album is actually a rock album and I am curious how it will sound. I have listened to one song  on the album and all I can say is that it was really dynamic.

Here is also a teaser for mine, I really like the fallen angel/vampire concept and was waiting for someone to do it, when i saw the teaser, I was one happy fangirl. JJ really fits it and once again he is more handsome than the sparkling vampire, no need to mention the name, we already know who I am talking about.

The video I posted above is a duet with Yoochun called melody and harmony.

I will post more videos here below. CLICK ON THEM

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